Tuesday, November 22, 2011

a wisdom test...

we are taking a biblical test here on the front porch of whether we are a wise person or not.  james here in the 3rd chapter, 17th verse (msg) of his nt book gives us a list of what a wise person looks like.  the last two days we’ve seen that real wisdom GOD’s wisdom begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others and today we see that it is gentle.

the niv uses the word considerate.  wisdom is considerate and it means that i am “mindful of the feelings of others.”  so the question is are you considerate of other people’s feelings?  if you are then you are wise.  how are you doing so far on this test?

now we all are different and we have different feelings, different ways to look at a situation whatever it is.  GOD made us that way and HE is telling us here that it is a wise thing to be gentle with each other in the different ways that we look at the situation.  i am to be considerate and not minimize your feelings.  i don’t have to agree with them but i can understand them.

proverbs 15.4 (gnt), kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit.  that is really true isn't it?

many times in these type of situations we say things that hurt.  often we belittle how they feel.  we put them down or we play psychologist.  “i know why you feel that way?”  we can be so condescending toward them.

do you ever play the my day was harder than your day game?  my day can beat your day.  husband comes home worn out and starts complaining, “the traffic was bad, my boss got upset, the heat wouldn’t work and i froze.:  wife says, “oh, yeah?  junior dunked the cat down the toilet, the beans burned…”

the fact is they both had a rough day.  wisdom is considerate.  allow your spouse to be tired without having to say, “i’m more tired than you are.”  the fact is, you’re both tired.  Be gentle, be considerate, don’t minimize their feelings.  that is the wise thing to do

just a thought from the front porch…

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