i don’t know what your day is like but you might be
feeling pretty desperate right now, and wondering how am i going to make it
because of my inadequacy or my guilt within.
GOD says, “I know you better than anyone and I love you better than
anyone and I’ve got a plan for your life.”
lean on that truth. that’s a rock
that we need in our lives. GOD is our
rock. if you depend on anything else,
anyone else and eventually they’ll feel like jell-o. GOD’s the rock that we need.
i’d encourage you to write down, GOD is bigger than…
what? what problem are you facing? write it in. it’s your step of faith saying i
realize i need to put this in perspective and realize GOD’s bigger than even
that problem. maybe you need to write, GOD’s
bigger than me. maybe you need to write,
GOD’s bigger than some success that you just had in your life. GOD is bigger.
in the old testament, there’s a book by the name of
job. it’s a pretty long and depressing
book for most of it. at the beginning
job has a lot of problems. everything in
his life falls apart. the middle part of
the book, the larger part of it, is job’s friends giving him bad advice about
what to do about those problems. it
reminds us that friends don’t always give good advice.
but at the end of the book job meets with GOD. he’s been asking GOD all throughout the book,
why is this happening to me? and at the
end of the book job meets with GOD and GOD never tells him why. HE never answers his question. GOD just comes and says, “listen job. I want you to hear how great I am.” and GOD tells him about HIS greatness. and that was enough.
that’s what job needed to hear. that satisfied his heart. in the end he didn’t so much need to hear the
answer to his questions as he needed to meet the person of GOD and realize how
great HE was. how great HE is. at the end it wasn’t so much getting the
answer to why as seeing the who.
and maybe that’s what you need – to realize GOD’s
just a thought from the front porch…
With respect Bill, it's easy to say to people to put God in the equation and all will be well because God is your Rock etc.. My experience has always been that the church is not doing a good job of actually dealing with real people with real needs at the various stages in life.
Example: a man sleeping rough on the cold streets, would you really take off your brand new warm coat and give it to him instantly, knowing that you have a dozen coats at home, or that you can buy another coat tomorrow OR is more like that you would want to have a discussion about God and pray for him, leaving him in that same state, possibly with the thought that God just did nothing for him. All talk and no action is what I really mean to say.
I enjoyed reading your post but I think (from experience) it is time for physical action when it comes to christianity. They say, Faith without Works is dead. Just a random though, said with respect.
thank you so much for your comment. my feeling is that as i put my focus on God and who He is then I will strive to be be like Him and we are the most like Him when we give. now also i am the church. all who are believers are the church and i did give almost all my coats and shoes and shirts and pants to the bowery mission in manhattan this year. i have no control over anyone else only myself and i am striving to do my part. now is it enough? of course not but if you and i make a start then we are headed in the right direction.
Thank you so much for such a refreshing response as a christian. I don't often hear it that way, as from experience most people are hearers and not doers, many talk the talk and don't do the walk, although I appreciate that christianity is not an easy road to travel. I shall continue to read your blog with an open mind and interest.
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