Friday, March 30, 2012

peace when frustrated…

we are in the LORD’s prayer and looking at the phrases, YOUr kingdom come, YOUr will be 
done.  and you might ask, what does it mean to pray that?

for one it means that i accept GOD’s plan.  instead of my own plan for my life i accept HIS purpose, HIS will for my life. 

part of this – and a big part of it is something that is very difficult – is accepting the things that you can’t change. 

there are a lot of things in your life, in fact most of the major things in your life you cannot change.  you didn’t choose your birth  and you won’t choose your death.  you don’t choose what other people do to you.  you have to accept the things that can’t be changed. 

of course, you change the things you can but what about all those things you can’t change?  how do you have peace when you’re frustrated by something that’s unchangeable? 

T    well worrying doesn’t work.  that certainly doesn’t give you peace. 

T    resenting what you can’t change won’t give you peace. 

T    feeling guilty about what you can’t change in the past or whatever won’t give you peace. 

T    having a pity party about what you can’t change won’t give you peace. 

all of those things you don’t like in your life – i don’t like the parents i got, i don’t like the way i look, i don’t like the talents i’ve been given – all those things, you can’t change them. 

now there’s only one thing that will work when you can’t change something and that is this – acceptance.  i must accept GOD’s will in my life.  YOUr kingdom come, YOUr will be done.

now understand that not everything that happens in you life is GOD’s will.  i’m not saying that.  but you say, GOD, i want YOUr will in my life when there’s things out of my control and i can’t change them.

just a thought from the front porch…

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