a key to peace in the midst of the
storms of your life is to say i’m going to accept YOUr plan, GOD even when i
don’t understand it.
a good question to that would be why does acceptance bring peace of mind? and the answer is because the greatest barrier to your peace of mind is your demand for an explanation. why is this happening to me? i want to know.
anytime you ask GOD, why? you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. because GOD’s not going to explain why everything happens in your life.
whenever you start saying, “why? why is this happening to me? why didn’t this happen? why did HE allow this? why?” questions like that you’re setting yourself up to be not be at peace but to be anxious, to be in turmoil. it always robs your peace.
the truth is you’re probably not going to get an explanation from GOD and one reason is because GOD doesn’t owe you an explanation.
remember, GOD is GOD and i’m not. so GOD doesn’t have to explain to me why HE does everything. HE doesn’t have to report to me, “by the way, would this be ok with you if i do this? is it ok if i make this little change here?” HE doesn’t report to you. you report to HIM. GOD is GOD and you’re not. so GOD doesn’t owe you an explanation for why everything happens in your life. HE’s good and HE loves and HE knows what’s best.
two more reasons tomorrow.
just a thought from the front porch…
a good question to that would be why does acceptance bring peace of mind? and the answer is because the greatest barrier to your peace of mind is your demand for an explanation. why is this happening to me? i want to know.
anytime you ask GOD, why? you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. because GOD’s not going to explain why everything happens in your life.
whenever you start saying, “why? why is this happening to me? why didn’t this happen? why did HE allow this? why?” questions like that you’re setting yourself up to be not be at peace but to be anxious, to be in turmoil. it always robs your peace.
the truth is you’re probably not going to get an explanation from GOD and one reason is because GOD doesn’t owe you an explanation.
remember, GOD is GOD and i’m not. so GOD doesn’t have to explain to me why HE does everything. HE doesn’t have to report to me, “by the way, would this be ok with you if i do this? is it ok if i make this little change here?” HE doesn’t report to you. you report to HIM. GOD is GOD and you’re not. so GOD doesn’t owe you an explanation for why everything happens in your life. HE’s good and HE loves and HE knows what’s best.
two more reasons tomorrow.
just a thought from the front porch…
Such a very hard lesson to learn! I have had to come to the place where my 'Why' is morphing into 'What do You want me to do about it?" and that, too, is hard. But I think a much better question in the end...
so very true, melody and trust is the key is asking the what question. thanks for sharing.
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