when it
comes to money, one of you loves to spend money. (you have the bumper stickers: “the woman’s
place is in the mall” or “when the going gets tough, the tough goes shopping.”) you love to spend and your mate is a
tightwad. (someone said, “at the end of
your life whether you end up with a nest egg or a goose egg depends on the
chick you married.”)
in sex: one of you is very romantic. you
are hot! don juan, casenovia,
candlelight. you are a firecracker. and your mate is a dud. when it comes to sex, one of you says, “drop
everything!” and the other says, “drop dead!” (it’s like the guy who came home
from work one day. he walks in and hands
his wife two aspirin. she said, “what's
this for?” he said, “for your headache.” she said, “i don't have a headache.” he said,
“got ya!”)
fact is we are made different. we are
different. there are no two people
alike. we need to learn to appreciate
each other’s loyalty. we need to learn
to appreciate each other’s differences.
paul says, “be patient! be
tolerant!” if you have a
difference. be thankful! differences in marriage add balance. the
marriages that have the most problems are where they are exactly alike. the greater your differences in a marriage,
the greater your potential for growth.
acceptance of that difference is an attribute of maturity. it’s not wrong, you’re just different. and it's ok to be different.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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