real issues is, what are you going to do with your weaknesses?
what we
normally do is deny them, we defend them, we excuse them, we resent them and
most of all we hide them – we don’t want anybody to see our weaknesses. then GOD comes along and in the bible, HE
says, “you know what i want to do with your weaknesses? i want to use them.” “that doesn’t make sense,” we say, “use my
strengths not my weaknesses.” we think
GOD wants to use our strengths: “i can
do this. how come i’m always setting on
the shelf here. use my strengths.”
does use your strengths obviously. but
in the book of isaiah 55, GOD says, my
ways are not your ways. my thoughts are
higher than your thoughts. I’m
smarter than you. HE says, “the way you
think I should work is often the exact opposite of the way I really work in
life” GOD says, “I don’t want to work
around your weaknesses. I don’t want to
work in spite of your weaknesses. I want
to work through them – through your weaknesses.”
corinthians 1.27 (gn), GOD purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in order
to put wise men to shame and what the world considers weak, in order to put powerful men to shame. Notice it says, “GOD
purposely chose” and “weak”. it’s not by accident. the weaknesses you have in your life, GOD
purposely chose them and GOD works through weak people. why?
it demonstrates HIS power.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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