corinthians 12.17 (niv), to keep me from
becoming conceited because of these surpassing great revelations, it was given
to me a thorn in my flesh. what is a
thorn? he said, “i have a thorn in my
flesh to keep me from getting arrogant.” GOD blessed his life so much. he’d learned so
many things. he’d had so many great
revelations from GOD. (he got to write
most of the new testament.) GOD gave him a thorn.
what is
a thorn? it is a weakness. it is a limitation i’ve inherited or cannot
change that causes me pain and limits my ministry. he says this was given to him as a
reminder. if paul could have changed it,
he would have. in fact, the bible says
he prayed three times, “GOD, take this away.”
and GOD said, “i’m not going to do it because MY grace is sufficient for
you.” that thing you’ve been praying, “GOD
take this away in my life,” and HE hasn’t, it
may be a thorn. it may be your

are given by GOD so they’re not sins. GOD
doesn’t give sin. if thorns were sin and
you prayed, “GOD, take it away,” HE would.
because GOD always removes sin. so
we’re not talking about some sin in your life.
thorns are temporary in our lives. some thorns are removed gradually. some you have for a lifetime, as with paul.
does a thorn do in my life? it’s that
persistent perplexity that causes me pain, that gets my attention, keeps me
dependent upon GOD, keeps me humble before HIM.
it acts as a governor on my life.
it guides and directs me and it motivates me.
if GOD
is ever going to use you in a great way, expect a thorn. HE will do it to get your attention.
it may
not be a physical thing. it
may be a relational, emotional, some other kind of thorn. but it will come because it prevents
arrogance and it guarantees GOD’s help.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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