Friday, October 18, 2013

Let the hurt go…

In dealing with a broken heart first of all, realize that GOD is with me.  If I just said that – that GOD is with you in your pain – that would be enough.  But how do you get on out of the pain and get on with life? 
You must release the hurt.  Let it go. 

How?  I must stop focusing on what’s lost and start focusing on what’s left. 

Isaiah 43.18 & 19 (NIV), “Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing” (says the LORD).  

GOD says, your past is past; let it go!  It can’t hurt you any more.  Some of you are letting people from your past continue to hurt you.  They can’t hurt you unless you let them.  That’s a choice. Let it go!  I realize GOD is with me and I release the past.

Just a thought from the front porch…


Messy Studio said...

Thank you for this. My best friend from high school (grad 1982) was widowed in 2011. He is still hanging on to the anger and pain from this loss. I was just reading and writing verses down for my weekly letter to him which I've been doing since his wife died. I often come to your site for inspiration and guidance. Thank you again.

Bill Williams said...

Thank you so much for connecting. Loss is tough.