Saturday, December 28, 2013

GOD still does miracles today…

GOD wants to work in every one of our lives.  That's a logos.  HE wants to work in your life with a rhema.  Does GOD still do miracles today?  You bet HE does.  But HE does them in HIS way, according to HIS conditions and HIS sovereign will.  Some of you are facing difficult problems right now in your marriage, at work, business decisions. 

Today GOD wants you to know this.  The starting point is confession.  Maybe you'd say, "GOD, is there anything in my life that's hindering You?  Is there a sin that You want me to admit to You?  an attitude to confess?  a habit to give up?  a difficult thing I've been doing that I need to stop doing?  or something YOU've been telling me to do and I've been putting it off?"  Ask for forgiveness.  Then would you ask GOD to put you in neutral gear about that situation. Say, "GOD help me to want what YOU want.  THY will be done. If YOU want it, I want it.  If YOU don't, I don't.  I'm willing.  THY will be done."  Maybe you need to get involved in a Bible study.  Your prayer life is never stronger than your knowledge of the word.  Rhemas come from the logos. Then would you say, "GOD, I just want to be quiet and listen to YOU, til YOU speak to my heart and give me an assurance about this decision.  Any way YOU want to give it."  Maybe some of you had an assurance reading to this. Then you can claim that promise and when GOD says, "Go!" you move.  Today, GOD is saying to some of you, "I have not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind."  GOD wants to fill you with HIS love and power and give you mental and emotional and spiritual stability. 

Just a thought from the front porch…

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