Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A key area in developing respect and integrity…

Consistency is also vital in discipline. 

Kids need consistency in discipline.  Ephesians 6:4 talks about fathers bringing up their children in the discipline and instruction of the LORD. 

Sort of like baseball.  If you see a baseball player start to get mad at the umpire it's usually because he's being inconsistent.  If he calls the same pitch a strike all game long, that's OK.  When he starts changing it then they begin to get upset. 

If you as a parent have never struggled with this thing of consistency, you're not human!  We all struggle with it.  There are days when you've had a bad day and you love to discipline your kids.  There are other days when you just want to take them out for ice cream no matter what they did.  Consistency requires teamwork.  Husband and wife or if you're a single parent, get another single parent or another person who can encourage you.  I think we can't be consistent in this all by ourselves.  Let GOD work through other people in your life to develop some teamwork in consistency and discipline.  It's a key area in developing respect and integrity.

Just a thought from the front porch…

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