The first area that consistency is vital in is public
versus your private image.
Why do we let our families down in order to build
our public image up? I think a lot of
times it's what we view as important.
JESUS said in Matthew 6:1 (LB), "Take care,
do not do your good deeds publicly to be admired."
HE's not saying never do anything where people can
see it. HE did a lot of good deeds
publicly. HE's talking about the
motivation here. Don't do it to be
admired by other people.

Sometimes we think it's so important that we impress
our boss or friends. We forget how
important our own family, the people who are closest to us really are. "They'll love me no matter
what." That's not true. We can lose their respect too.
The truth is a lot of people could do the job of
being a Pastor and do a good job of it.
I'm thrilled that GOD allowed me to do that. And there are a lot of people who could do
it. But there's only one person that can
be Stef and Brett’s Dad. That's me. There is only one person who could be
Margaret's husband, me. No one else in
the world, in all the over 5 billion people of the world, can do that.
In order to raise up your consistency between your
public and your private image run through some of those kinds of thinking. How important your relationship with those
people in your private life really is?
Who do you really want to be admired by at the end of life? Our goals should be to be admired the most by
those who are closest to us who know us best.
Just a thought from the front porch…
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