Thursday, September 16, 2010

the fear of failure…

in america, we hate losers and we love winners. we canonize champions, we adore achievers. we worship winners, and we sanctify the successful. the royalty in america are the rich and famous. and everybody wants to be a success and nobody wants to be a failure.

and this puts enormous stress on our society because failure is a part of life. yet nobody wants to be called or considered a failure. failure in america is considered the unpardonable sin. it’s the one thing you don’t want to be labeled as – a failure.

so as a result, we fear failure. what will other people think? will anybody love me? will i be considered worthless? the fear of failure is a pretty universal fear. and it causes enormous stress in our lives.

the fear of failure can cause you to be indecisive – you’re worried about what choice to make. what if i make the wrong choice? so you can’t decide.

the fear of failure can cause you to be a workaholic – you work and overwork, trying to keep up, trying to get ahead, trying to stay ahead.

you see, nobodies life goal is to fail.” everybody wants to succeed. everybody has this fear that they might not. but the fact of life is, failure is a part of life.

just some beginning thoughts from the front porch…


Rachel said...

Thanks for highlighting this fear that most of us have had or do have. I see that fear creeping up now and then - but then the Spirit brings to mind that my life is God's. It's not about my strength but His. The results are up to Him, not me. The truth truly does set us free in every way including being free from our fears that hold us back from letting Him work through us.


Bill Williams said...

very good thoughts, rachel.