Monday, March 15, 2010

appreciation and correction...

when we thank people and appreciate people that raises their value.

appreciation means to rise in value. that’s what used to happen to our homes. on the other hand if you ever bought a car or a home in this last year you know the meaning of depreciation. that means to lower in value.

do you realize that every time you appreciate your family, you are raising their value? you make your husband more valuable to you each time you appreciate him. you make your wife more valuable to you when you appreciate her. you make your children more valuable when you appreciate them because you’re raising their value. great people make people feel great.

the apostle paul was a master of this. in every one of paul’s letters at the start he says, “here’s what i like about you. here’s what i appreciate about you.” he may have some serious things to deal with to correct in their life but he says, “this is what i appreciate about you.”

how often do you affirm the people in your life? the bible says in hebrews 3.13 (niv), encourage each other daily.

now in that building each other up we need to also correct without condemning

the bible says in hebrews 12.6 (niv), the LORD disciplines those HE loves. and just as GOD disciplines us, we need to discipline our children and each other.

i know there are so-called “experts” out there today that say, just let kids do their own thing, don’t discipline them, don’t give them parameters, just let them be their own self. you don’t want to hamper them. but the bible says the exact opposite. in fact, the bible says that if you don’t discipline your children that proves two things:

1. it proves that you don’t really love them. proverbs 13.24 (lb), if you refuse to discipline your son it proves that you don’t love him. that’s what they need in order to grow.

2. it shows that i’m setting them up for failure. if i fail to discipline my children i’m setting them up for failure. i’m ruining their lives. proverbs 19.18 (ncv), correct your children while there is still hope. do not let them destroy themselves.

just a thought from the front porch…


AmyMusings said...

nice post, thanks for the reminder.

Bill Williams said...

thanks amy, for the compliment!!