Wednesday, April 28, 2010

HE calms me down…

the fact that GOD is omnipresent, that HE is everywhere makes a difference when I’m lonely and when i’m worried?

psalm 16.8-9 (tev) says, i am always aware of the LORD's presence. are you always aware of the LORD's presence? i'm not always. but if i were, look at what the results would be. HE is near and nothing can shake me. i'm so thankful and glad and i feel completely secure.

so when i'm lonely, GOD's presence cheers me up, but when i'm worried, GOD's presence calms me down. it gives me stability. it's a stabilizer. it's a stress reliever. i have confidence because i know i can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me. HE's with me. i can handle anything.

i can even handle death. psalm 23.4 (niv), even though i walk through the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for YOU are with me.

that kind of confidence does not come from psychology. it comes from knowing that GOD is with me. HE's with me all the time. HE says, nothing can shake me. i'm completely secure.

when i'm lonely i have a companion and when i'm worried i have a confidence.

and when i'm tempted, GOD is my counselor. HE is ready to give me advice. HE is ready to help me make it through the temptation.

1 corinthians 10.13 (niv), no temptation has seized you except what is common to man. and GOD is faithful; HE will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. HE will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

that is an encouraging verse! when GOD is with you, HE provides a way out. when you're tempted, HE's your counselor.

there are several things about this verse. first, it says temptations are common. they are common to man. we all have the same problems. people think they have a unique problem but they don't. and if there are some common problems it means there must be common solutions. they're in GOD's word.

then it says GOD is with me when i'm being tempted. HE's right there when i'm being tempted. that's a motivation for me not to give in. i don't want to sin right in front of GOD. every time i do sin it's as if i do it right in front of his throne.

just a thought here on the front porch…


Rick O'Neil said...

Great encouragement,thanks

Angelia Sims said...

Very nice. I had to remind myself several times yesterday to TRUST GOD during s scary lawyer meeting. He has taken care of me my whole life and he will continue to do so. I don't know why I carry that burden of fear when he stands there with his arms reached out for it.
Thanks for more great thoughts Bill!