Sunday, May 8, 2011

the benefits of a day of rest…

HE’s commanded us to take a day of rest each week. 

exodus 34.21 (ncv) talks about that, you must work for 6 days but on the seventh day you must rest.  even during the planting season and the harvest season. 

did you notice it said, even during the planting season and the harvest season?  the busiest time!  the time when you would say, “no, i don’t need to rest now.  i’ll do that later.”  in the busiest time you need to rest.

is there ever a week when you might need to skip a day off because of an emergency?  of course there is.  but when that becomes 2 weeks and 3 weeks and 4 weeks and 5 weeks you’re in trouble because GOD has designed us to need a day of rest.  you need to take a day off. 

·         do you need a business reason for that?  you’ll get more done if you take a day off.  your best ideas will always come a few days after a day off. 

·         do you need a health reason for that?  you’ll live longer by taking a day off.  study after study after study shows that. 

·         do you need a spiritual reason to take a day off?  you’ll develop your relationship with GOD and the people that are around you. 

that’s how GOD made us.  it’s that part of our schedule, that plan in our schedule.  HE said be sure you don’t miss this one.  it’s probably the most broken of the ten commandments, this day of rest that GOD wants us to take.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Flameheart said...

Wow, good point. The world would be much less stressed if they adhered to that...