Thursday, August 11, 2011

comfort or change…

another crossroad we all face is, when i choose comfort or i choose change.  i choose to live a comfortable life or i choose to live a life where i’m growing, i’m changing. 

folks it is a lot more comfortable up in the stands.  it really is.  there aren’t a lot of people up there trying to hit you.  it is tough in the game.

i used to go to the practices when brett my son was playing football.  i used to see him there in the middle of that ring and watching all of those guys running at him, hitting him.  football practice is not a great place for mothers to be but i’ll tell you something, the practices are where the successes are made for the game.

brett was a running back and they get hit all of the time.  i remember the first time he was in a practice and he got in the middle of that ring, it was a little scary, but he got used to it and did his best to make those guys feel it when they came at him.  he changed.  he didn’t wait, he charged.

JESUS talked about the kind of life HE wants to give us in john 10.10 (ncv), I came to give life, life in all it’s fullness.  i want that life.  don’t you want life in all its fullness?  but i don’t have it yet.  does anybody have life in all its fullness? 

so i look at the life where i am now and i look at the life that JESUS offers “in all it’s fullness”.  the problem is in between those two is this word called “change”.  i’d like to get there easily, i’d like to get there comfortably, in my easy chair.  but it doesn’t happen that way.  it comes through change.  growth always comes through change and that’s always uncomfortable in my life. 

those of us who live in american, we can successfully many times go after the most comfortable life.  you could even live it for most of your life.  but you get to the end of your life and you look back with massive regret.  you look back and realize, “if only i’d changed i could have impacted the world in a greater way, i could have grown in a greater way, i could have had better relationships.”  you can get the most comfortable life many times but it also comes with disappointment.  so am i going to choose comfort or am i going to choose change? 

just a thought from the front porch…

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