Wednesday, July 10, 2013

you are so loved…

GOD says in his eyes you are valuable and you are acceptable and you are lovable.

GOD sees me not just as acceptable and valuable but lovable.  with a deep, deep love.  the most famous verse in the bible talks about this.  john 3.16 (niv), for GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS one and only SON that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. 

GOD so loved the world – it doesn’t say, GOD so loved people who are beautiful.  GOD so loved people who are intelligent.  it doesn’t say, GOD so loved people who are cool.  it doesn’t say, GOD so loved people who are religious.  it doesn’t say, GOD so loved people who are perfect – because there aren’t any.  it says, GOD so loved the world.  that means me, you and everybody that the world considers unlovable.  GOD so loved the world – everybody in it because HE made them all.  JESUS said, i’d rather die than live without you.  that’s the kind of love GOD has for you. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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