GOD also speaks through impressions. HE puts ideas in our minds. When GOD puts an idea in your mind we call that inspiration. “I was inspired. I got a creative idea.”
Where do you think that creative idea came
from? It came from the creator. GOD the creator. When you are being creative you’re being most
like GOD.

John 14.26 (Ph), “The HOLY SPIRIT...will be your
teacher and will bring to your mind all I have said to you.”
Notice the phrase, “bring to your mind.” That
means HE gives impressions. HE gives us
ideas. HE gives us gut feelings. GOD often does this.
Some of your most brilliant ideas weren’t
yours. They were GOD’s. HE was giving them to you. A brilliant business idea, a brilliant family
idea, a brilliant relational idea, a brilliant financial idea, where do you
think you got those ideas?
GOD loves you, HE cares about you, HE is infinitely
interested in all the details of your life.
It didn’t feel like GOD because it’s so natural. You were made to receive ideas from GOD. A lot of things you think up, you’re not that
smart either. GOD gives you ideas.
Just a thought from the front porch…
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